Driving Practice Test


Welcome to the sample Delaware Driving Test Practice page. This site is offered to help you practice and prepare for your written driver’s test when applying for a driver’s license in the state of Delaware. The Delaware driver’s test is 30 questions, and candidates must score at least 80% or higher on the exam in order to apply for a driver’s license. You will be presented with 30 questions and you must answer 24 questions correctly to pass.  There is no time limit.  You may not go back once you answer a question.  Click the "Start Quiz" button below to begin.  Good luck!

1 / 30

You and another vehicle enter an intersection from different directions at around the same time. The interesection is not controlled by signals/signs. Who has the right-of-way?

2 / 30

Before you drive you should:

3 / 30

The only effective way to remove alcohol from the body is:

4 / 30

If you are overdriving your headlights, you are:

5 / 30

While driving in the city it takes ______ seconds to go one block.

6 / 30

You should _______ to help avoid last-minute braking.

7 / 30

How high does your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) need to be before you are in violation of the law?

8 / 30

If a person is injured in an automobile accident, what should you as the driver do?

9 / 30

If you want to make a turn right after an intersection, when should you signal?

10 / 30

If you are convicted of speeding 50 mph or more over the posted speed limit, what will happen?

11 / 30

With a satisfactory completion of an approved defensive driving course, how many credits do you earn that are applied to future violations?

12 / 30

Using _________ will help reduce the risk of neck injury if you are in a collision.

13 / 30

You should ________ if you feel like your tires have lost traction with the surface of the road.

14 / 30

What should you do if you are approaching a school bus on your side of a divided highway, and the yellow lights on the top of the bus are flashing?

15 / 30

If you are driving and your breaks fail, and you do not have an ABS, the first thing you should do is _______.

16 / 30

If you are going the wrong way what sign will you see in your driving lane?

17 / 30

You are driving on a rural two-lane roadway with two-way traffic. When may you cross a dashed yellow center line?

18 / 30

If you are approaching a traffic signal showing a flashing red arrow, what should you do if you want to make a right turn?

19 / 30

You must have ______ with or without corrective lenses to pass the vision screening test.

20 / 30

In what situation are you required to use your seat belt?

21 / 30

You have stalled out on a railroad track and you can see a train coming, you should:

22 / 30

You see a red light with green arrows, what does it mean?

23 / 30

What should you do if you see that a child is about to run into the street?

24 / 30

You should_______ if you see a driver behind you repeatedly flashing their lights.

25 / 30

Your vehicle's stopping distance depends on _________.

26 / 30

Your driving ability is affected by what amount of drinks?

27 / 30

What must you do when stopping or slowing down?

28 / 30

If you see this sign it is telling you?

29 / 30

If you need to brake quickly the ________ determines how far your car will go before you come to a complete stop.

30 / 30

You may pass only on the left if there is ________ on a two-lane road with traffic moving in opposite directions.

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Drivers License

How To Get A Delaware Drivers License

In Delaware, driver’s licenses are administered by the Delaware Division of Motor Vehicles. If you operate a motor vehicle on roadways in Delaware, you must possess a driver’s license. Drivers who are under the age of 18 will participate in the Graduated Driver License Program. Within this, drivers who are between the ages of 16 and 18 will apply for a Level One Learner’s Permit. Candidates must undergo a Delaware Driver Education Certificate (Blue Certificate) stating that they passed a certified Delaware Driver Education Course. Additionally, candidates must have their driver license application signed by a sponsor. This sponsor assumes liability for any damages suffered due to the minor’s negligence. Sponsors may be one or both of the parents of the minor, a legal guardian, or is a person deemed “acceptable to the Secretary of Transportation or the Chief of Driver Services.” Within six months of the issuance of the Level One Learner’s Permit, sponsors must certify that the minor has driven 50 hours, within this 10 hours of nigh time driving. Additionally, minors may not have any passengers in the car other than an adult supervisor and one other passenger. After six months, minor drivers may drive unsupervised between the hours of 6:00 AM and 10:00 PM. There are some restrictions and variations for minors being able to drive within the hours of 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM, including school, work and church related activities. When a candidate is 17 years old but not yet 18 years old, and they have held a Level One Learner’s Permit they may apply for a Class D Operators License. In addition, the candidate may not have had any issues while driving such as having their license suspended, nor may they have had a sponsor revoke their endorsement. Candidates are eligible to take the road test 10 days after passing the rules test.

Pass The Test

How To Pass the Delaware Driver's License Test

As you prepare for your driver’s test, some helpful things to keep in mind:

  • Practice safe driving. With your Level One Learner’s permit, take advantage of the 50 hours of training to prepare for your test with your sponsor
  • Be sure that your vehicle is properly insured prior to taking your driving test, including the ability to provide documentation for proof of insurance.

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  • Take sample rules tests that are available on this site as well as on the Delaware Division of Motor Vehicles site
  • Inspect your car the night before the road exam to make sure all turn signals, brakes, reverse lights and gears are working properly
  • Study the Delaware Driver’s Manual

Additional Information

Delaware Division of Motor Vehicles Information

To schedule a road test, you’ll need to schedule a time with local Delaware DMV office.  To find the Delaware DMV Office nearest you, please visit:

Delaware DMV website:


You can schedule online as well here.

More Delaware Driving Test & Drivers License Helpful Links

Please use the link below to learn more about helpful topics and forms related to the Delaware driver’s license test or other Delaware driver’s license related topics.